Life update

Hmm…it’s been a long while since I’ve been here.

Lodsa things happened during the time I was off the blog, so I kinda just been sneaking around and poking/stalking at stuff. Stalking around distractedly so much that I missed a couple of blog updates/news.

So yea, to sum up what I’ve been doing:

  • Went to visit LA & Vegas
  • Got a cold wif a nasty headache and fatigue setting in most of the last week
  • Finally got my grubby mitts on Fire Emblem Awakening and trying to finish it (and I finally did, woo!)
  • Now I’m dealing with Critique week

It’s going to be as busy in the coming month, but I’ll try my best to update somethin interesting. I can’t believe I have lots of visitors during the time I went away o.o

What do you guys find interestin in my blog?????

Um so yea, for now, ALL HAIL CHROM’S RIGHT ARMPIT!


Sugita is awesome.

FE is awesome.

Kakusei is totally worth it.

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