Lazy or No Time?

Finally! An entry on food.

God knows how much I wanted to do an entry on food, but I just never had the patience to go through the post and wait till I’m done before scarfing down whatever it is that I’m going to blog about.

Err, don’t let my appetite scare you. I eat the normal amount, really.

…when people are around… *runs off*

Keep reading if you want to know the daily feeding of this always-hungry-college-student.

You know that there are three types of college students?

One is the type that prefers to cook than eat out, the other is the type that prefers to eat out rather than get their hands dirty, and the last type is that type that would cook if situation permits it and if they can’t cook they’ll make do with whatever they can find and turn them into edibles.

Me? I’m the last type.

I can’t boast any cooking skills coz I’m a lazy-ass who’d rather eat than cook *cough cough* but if I’m pressed or I’m in the mood, I’d gladly get down and dirty and whip up something wonderful that I would then take picture of and send to everyone I know. Most notably Mom and Little Sis both who cooks much better than me >>;;

So yea, in the times that I do not cook, I’d have these food to keep my grumbly tummy filled up enough to get me through the days.

Oh and remember, I’m 100% asian, so I’m eating every one of these with Rice.

Rice is my life.

And here goes.

1. Rice Crackers/Salt/Fried Red Onions combo

This combi actually works well as long as you have steaming rice ready, or you’d gag because it’s very very dry. I usually drink a lot of water to counter the dryness. PARCHED, MAN….

2. Instant Noodles

…preferably of the kind that I show above. It’s made in my country, Indonesia, and yes, I eat this with Rice. One portion is too little for me and two is too much Dx so I usually balance it out with some helping of rice, which at the same time would stop my mom from harping on me because I eat too much of these dangerous instant noodles. Sorry Ma, but your daughter’s got to eat. And I just can’t stop eating these babies ♥

3. French Fries

…You read that right, fries baby! Usually with loads and loads of chilli sauce (I dun like Ketchup) and blobs of Mayo. I know its carbohydrate + carbohydrate, but heck they make good side dish, okay? And they’re kinda cheap too. All you gotta do is cut some potatoes and fry ’em or just grab some from the nearest McDonalds if you’re that much of a lazy bum. Like Moi.

4. Potato Crisps/Chips

I usually eat Lay’s Classic, as shown above, because I liek it. But yes, you read right, I eat rice with chips. And it’s actually pretty good. I usually crush em into tiny bits and pieces and put them over my steaming hot rice. Ahhhhh….bliss.

5. Rice Topping / Furikake

This thing is a lifesaver for a starving college kid. Just put them on top of your rice and you’re good to go! Taste divinely amazing as well. I also eat the Indonesian version of this and it’s called Abon which is made from shredded chicken/beef meat, shown in the second picture above. Dang, I’ve eaten dinner but I get hungry just looking at the pictures…

Anyway, that ends my post! My top 5 list of (not really) healthy food that usually saves my life when I don’t has money or I’m too lazy to cook.

Comment? Share? Ya know, if you guys have anything that’s healthier than these for me to eat….

Pictures acquired from Google. They do not belong to me.

5 responses to “Lazy or No Time?

  1. With regards to the fries and rice… That was my dinner tonight! Lol.

    “But yes, you read right, I eat rice with chips… I usually crush em into tiny bits and pieces and put them over my steaming hot rice.
    This. I can’t believe you do this too. XD

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