Kyoukai no Kanata episode 6 — [Shocking Pink]

Taking a break from my torrent of work, we shall discuss about this gem of an anime’s particular episode.

Don’t ask me why, I have no idea what happened either.


Kyoukai no Kanata started out as a supernatural sci-fi-like anime regarding a youmu (lit: shade–something like a demon) exterminator Kuriyama Mirai and a half-youmu Kanbara Akihito. It’s really good at characterization so far with how there’s only been 6 episodes but we can get a clear grasp (kinda? sorta?) on every characters’ personality.

But still, you know, with anime like this, there has got to be fillers in between heavy arcs so that people won’t stress too much while watching it.

And the first golden filler of the season comes in episode 6.

Man, they’re really milking the fact that they have Chihara Minori on board by making her sing an insert song aside from the opening. But hell– I don’t mind one bit xD She has a good voice and with how Element Garden handles the music in this series, you can expect a mindblowing eargasmic catchy songs in between episodes.


Take a listen!

Anyway, before I fangirl about the song again, this episode is about how Mirai’s rent was due soon so she had to find a way to get money and quick. Her gravure shots honor (courtesy of Ayaka and Akihito) won’t be able to cover her rent– and so she was given the task to exterminate the Fruit Youmu that was worth a freaking 500,000 yen.

Ayaka, the awesome lady voiced by Shindou Naomi, forgot to mention that the youmu produces a ridiculously stinky yellow liquid whenever he’s threatened– and of course, that meant our heroes were covered with the yucky, smelly, liquid countless of times in this episode.

I think I nearly died when Mitsuki, my fav chara, got covered in a particularly stinkier liquid that was colored pink and reeked so bad her siscon brother has to put her inside a plastic bubble to block out the smell. That scene was gold. I might have to apologize to  my neighbors tomorrow for laughing out at this time of the night because of it.

But yea, that was not the only golden scene of the episode.





I’m not gonna even try to explain what happened in the gifs.

I can’t breathe.

Kyoto Animation is doing it right.

I have not seen action animes like this from them ever since Full Metal Panic!

And so we return to the episode’s plot of (IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL IT) “can Mirai exterminate the demon and pay her rent in time?”

…I wish I know the answer too. At the end of the episode I just can’t remember the point of things anymore.

But yea. I think

I actually have a more coherent post in mind– but I just–

I just.

I can’t–



3 responses to “Kyoukai no Kanata episode 6 — [Shocking Pink]

  1. This was quite a fun episode even though it was fillery in the grand scheme of things. Definitely had that KyoAni magic and there was lots of entertainment to be had with those amusing scenes. I also like how overly dramatic they made those gif scenes look, this episode was too funny.

    • Omg sorry for the late reply!

      It was a filler yes, and I’m really glad of that. Now that I think about it, this filler is sorely needed, with what the last few episodes of KnK was about, at least the fans has one episode where they can cry tears of laughter ;__;

      Lol yea, the dramatization of the situations were the funniest thing! I absolutely loved it when Mitsuki realized that Mirai can’t sing– her expression slayed me xDDDD
      Thanks for dropping by btw!

      • It’s fine, I imagine you were probably busy. I’ve been late in replying to people recently too, everything before winter break was a killer and I’m just so relieved to have my time to relax now.

        It was nice to have a happy and silly episode before the much darker and more emotional episodes came into play. A nice break in the plot to just laugh and enjoy before things got serious.

        Yeah it was too funny seeing how serious they made the whole thing look. And that moment when she was “singing”…… too priceless. Though I think the best part was the very end, that really got me. Seems like they planned everything except the most important part…

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